Friday, May 17, 2013

The Great and Powerful Me....

What is there to know about my meager existence that people may find fascinating? No adventures of epic proportions or battles with ultimate villains. No worldly words of wisdom or tales of events that were life changing. No my life is very typical. I'm an average teenager who likes to hang out with his friends and do moronic things in which I will most likely regret some day. When it comes to music I am a die hard metal fan! there is nothing better then helicopter drums, a brutal thrashing guitar, and violently heavy guttural vocals. I would define myself as being a realist and an anti theist, I generally need irrefutable evidence of somethings existence to believe in something as substantial as a god-like being. I have both native and European heritage and I am proud to be part of both of those cultures. First nations culture and beliefs have always been something that I have found interesting and am definitely interested in participating in ceremonies of the culture. I would also say that I'm a quite an opinionated person, I have strong beliefs in capital punishment and that if you choose to not respect someone that you deserve no respect in return. I am an avid video game player and generally spend a good portion of my week playing video games rather then doing homework. I find no pleasure in going to school and tend to feel like I have no business being at school so I am quite happy to be graduating this year and hope to be pursuing a job as an HVAC technician. That is a short bit about I'm somewhat pointless existence and some of the important cultural and beliefs systems I implement in my life.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Awesome Book!

           "The Dragons of Autumn Twilight" by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman, two fantastic fantasy writers is quite an awesome book so far from what I have read. It follows the adventures of a group consisting of a half elf, a dwarf, a kender or halfing and four humans that find themselves in a bit of a predicament when their home town is over run by theocrats and goblins and must escape almost as soon as they arrive. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys fantasy novels and is big on the Dragonlance or Dungeons and Dragons franchise, it really gets you into the story and you truly feel like you are a part of the groups journey.

          Out of the main characters I would say my favorite is probably Tasselhoff, the kender because he is immune to fear and doesn't understand basic emotions sometimes and in the face of danger he seems to be amused and enjoying himself. He also enjoys pranking people and loves to steal peoples coin purses and other assortments of items. I think my least favorite character so far would probably have to be Flint, the dwarf, also the eldest of the group he is always grumpy and hates everything. He is a master blacksmith and uses a battleaxe to kill his enemies but other then that he is a bit lame and hates all of Tasselhoff's pranks because generally they are against him.

          I think if i had to invite one of the characters home to meet my family i would probably invite Caramon, the warrior, because he is very kind and although not the smartest person in the group he makes up for it in strength and the ability to protect the group and his brother Raistlin, who is less desirable of a person.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Death In The Red Dress...

It was an average ordinary day in the town of Muldenberry, everyone was going about their daily routines, well, that is everyone except Julia. You see, Julia decided she was bored of the predictable routine executed to the dot everyday by every resident of Muldenberry, and as Julia had always wanted to know what it was like to kill someone she decided that today would be the day she would found out. So she went down to the local hardware store looking for an axe. She couldn't seem to find one anywhere so she asked the service clerk.

"Hello, Roger. I'm in desperate need of an axe!" she announced without a hint of what she needed it for, knowing full well that Roger would ask anyways and maybe even offer to pitch in if she were cutting down a tree.

"My, my Julia, what in heavens do you need an axe for?" Roger condescendingly shouted. Most likely thinking, because of her petite form that she would be less then useless with the axe.

"Oh, Roger, I'm going to murder someone!" She snickered, knowing full well that Roger would take it as a joke and would completely pass it off as Julia being her usual sarcastic self. Roger Joyfully laughed at Julia after she had announced she was going to kill someone and showed her to the axes. After the hardware store, Julia went home and decided the best idea for her diabolical plan was to dress for success, so she went upstairs and put on the little red dress in which she had always been so eager to wear and had never had a reason to until now. After she was all set, she realised that she hadn't yet picked a target for the murder yet! She decided that she needed to pick someone without a family that would be at home by themselves. At last she realised Roger from the hardware store is newly single and the perfect target! She decided that she would ask him out for drinks and then go back to his place and do the deed. A few hours later Julia and Roger were at his house, Julia, axe in hand walked slowly behind Roger as he rushed up the stairs to the front door fumbling his keys. Julia raised the axe above her and just as she was about to swing it at Roger, she tripped on his bottom stair lowering her arms and slamming the axe between herself and the stairs, split her forehead open killing her instantly and leaving a very shocked Roger.

(I'm not crazy or a future serial killer, my mother had me tested.)

Ryan Stephens.

Friday, February 15, 2013

My Super Powers!

Superpowers have always been a fantasy of mine, from super speed to controlling fire. My favorite x-men character is Sebastien Shaw which is the inspiration for the power I chose. The superpower that has always interested me is to be able to harness and and control energy both natural and synthetic. I could be helpful in bomb defusing as I could detonate the bomb and absorb its energy and use it to my advantage later. I feel that I will begin using my powers for good but realise like most do that power is meant to be used for domination and take over the world and amass followers, becoming ruler of all the world. Nobody would be able to stop me as everything that involves the use of energy I can use to my advantage. My super power would prevent me from ever aging, and I could just absorb energy to keep my body and mind working. Many people would hate me or try to get rid of me for this power but would most likely not succeed. I would be ruler of all the world and none would be able to stand against me in my infinite power. But maybe all of that is a dream.... Just for the record im not crazy and i dont actually want to take over the world i just think that that is what the power would do to me.